Welcome to the Humanity Economics Gallery, where artists are featured for congruencies with Humanity Economics’ underlying philosophy.
Congruencies can be drawn from many factors, ranging from the symmetry within any particular piece, to congruent ideas pertaining to a piece’s basis upon the energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions of the human spirit. In this gallery, Eastern philosophy, physics and geometry all come together to give us a fresh perspective on humanity, economics and the underlying spirituality and inspiration that exist in us to continually evolve.
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Allegorical Fiction
Book Trilogy by Author Ming Way
Volume 1 Title: BORN RICH LEARN POOR: Love Attracts Fear Repels
- Author: Dr. Ming Way
- Publisher: 4PM Zen Publishing
- Second Edition
- Genres: Eastern Philosophy, Anthropomorphic Comedy, Allegorical Fiction
- Themes: Self-Discovery, Self-Liberation, Life-Fulfillment
- Released: January 31, 2022
- Book three in production currently, to release in early 2024
Volume 2 Title: BORN RICH LEARN POOR: The Social Virus
- Author: Dr. Ming Way
- Publisher: 4PM Zen Publishing
- Genres: Eastern Philosophy, Anthropomorphic Comedy, Allegorical Fiction
- Themes: Self-Discovery, Self-Liberation, Life-Fulfillment
- Released: January 31, 2022
- Book three in production currently, to release in early 2024
Humanity Economics Abstract
This hilarious collection of animal characters and mystical short stories defines and depicts Love and Fear as fundamental forces that drive the EssenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... of human EnergySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions. The book vividly portrays the Power of these forces, and how they manifest change in life.
Extending from the title and through to the characters themselves, this trilogy explores the allegory surrounding the realm of rich versus poor, which is a topic explored in-depth throughout Humanity Economics when contrasting the Wealth of SatisfactionDisposition sustained by judgements or beliefs resulting from the extrinsic context as a r... with that of FulfillmentDisposition resulting from an intrinsic metaphysical experience of energy from consuming a.... This book enlightens us about the interconnectedness across all Wealth in human life, which spans our economic and spiritual realms. A must-read for inspiring the artist-entrepreneur in all of us, and for searching the depths of ourselves for enlightenment on these concepts.
Songs by Artist Michael David
Title: Just an IdeaRendering of thought about a particular essence that renders a unit sphere with a radius o...
- Album: Theta Dance
- Genre: New Age, Electronica
- Label: 4PM Zen Productions, LLC
- Producer: Dr. Ming Way
- Composer/Songwriter/Arranger: Michael David
- Released: 2020 (Pre-released single, full album in production, to release on a future date)
Humanity Economics Abstract
Melodic instrumental featuring pan flute sounds in a call-and-response arrangement to portray the outcome-delayed phenomenon of economic duality across space-time.
Title: Price Is Right Theme
- Album: The Price Is Right Theme
- Genre: Electronica, Industrial
- Label: 4PM Zen Productions, LLC
- Producer: Dr. Ming Way
- Composer/Songwriter/Arranger: Michael David
- Released: 2023 (Pre-released single, full album in production, to release on a future date)
Humanity Economics Abstract
Instrumental that captures the essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... of The Price Is Right game show, while slowing it down and adding a relentless and deliberate rhythm, to more closely depict the gradual manner in which an offeringClaim on a potential economic experience or series of experiences that can embody services... and its price are discovered organically in the world as opposed to on the show. The organic energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions distribution process via sympathetic resonanceEssential frequency(s) of energy responsible for the attraction of alignment between econo... is never in a hurry to get anywhere, yet it never fails to get where it is going, find its equilibrium and render satisfactionDisposition sustained by judgements or beliefs resulting from the extrinsic context as a r.... This song is designed to capture this natural pace and flow.
Title: Learn from Our Mistakes
- Album: Manifesto
- Track#: 1
- Genre: Singer/Songwriter
- Label: 4PM Zen Productions, LLC
- Producer: Dr. Ming Way
- Composer/Songwriter/Arranger: Michael David
- Piano, Vocals: Michael David
- Released: January 1, 2021
Humanity Economics Abstract
Relentless chord-progression piano ballad that marches forward like the metronome portrayed in the budding Humanity Economics derivative called Progress Theory; addresses clause 1.3 of the Humanity Economics Manifesto, which calls out the widely-held notion that humanity must conduct its economic affairs as a perfect collective that consumes progressively more together, simultaneously and perpetually, rather than as imperfect individuals making organically iterative efforts to act in service of one another.
Title: My Way
- Album: Manifesto
- Track#: 2
- Genre: Rock
- Label: 4PM Zen Productions, LLC
- Producer: Dr. Ming Way
- Composer/Songwriter/Arranger: Michael David
- Vocals/Acoustic Guitar: Michael David
- Lead Guitar: David Owen
- Released: January 1, 2021
Humanity Economics Abstract
Eclectic rock tune that calls out the individual artist-entrepreneur’s relentless pursuit to remain unique from the rest of the collective in the modern economy, given all the pressure to “get a job,” “go to college,” “follow this path and be ‘normal’ like everyone else,” etc., as portrayed in the XZ Plane of the Humanity Economics Model. The theme in the song reminds us that the noise of such rhetoric can distract the fledgling artist-entrepreneur, drowning out the ability to “hear one’s calling.” In humanity, this is a tragedy, and this song beckons us to search for what it is in us that is unique, beautiful and inspiring, even if we have to walk the road less-traveled.
Title: Differentiation
- Album: Manifesto
- Track#: 3
- Genre: Rock
- Label: 4PM Zen Productions, LLC
- Producer: Dr. Ming Way
- Composer/Songwriter/Arranger: Michael David
- Lead Guitar/Vocals: Michael David
- Rhythm Guitar: David Owen
- Released: January 1, 2021
Humanity Economics Abstract
Metallic rock tune that is close to the composer’s heart because it is based on a disagreement with the lead singer of his first band. The bout was over whether to write and arrange music that was artistically organic to the band, versus products that were most likely to proliferate/please the band’s audience and popularity. While the lead singer won this argument handily, Michael David maintained that arrangement-chops and aesthetics in music are of great valueForce of attraction between a capability and the context of the possibility that fulfillme... to listeners, convincing the lead singer to allot some entrepreneurial energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions to the band’s musical presentation. After this, the two members struck a balance that brought the band great success. Michael David still maintains this balance today derived from the lesson learned, applying it not only in art projects, but in entrepreneurial endeavors, and the chorus of Differentiation reminds him of this lesson every time he performs it.
Title: A Better Way
- Album: Manifesto
- Track#: 4
- Genre: Singer/Songwriter
- Label: 4PM Zen Productions, LLC
- Producer: Dr. Ming Way
- Composer/Songwriter/Arranger: Michael David
- Acoustic Guitar: Michael David
- Released: January 1, 2021
Humanity Economics Abstract
This tune carries the message forward from the call-to-action for entrepreneurs in the Humanity Economics Manifesto by clearing up the question of why entrepreneurs “create jobs” — not for the sake of more jobs, but because a better interface, improved logic and way of doing things portends toward progress in deeply fulfilling innovation. The song attacks clichés like “that’s just the way it is,” and the generally-accepted assumption that everyone must work a 9-5 job, and that jobs exist for the mere purpose of being able to buy things, and so everyone should simply “have” one. These assumptions tragically suppress and delay the journey of the fledgling artist-entrepreneur, and this song was written to counteract this suppression.
Title: 38-11
- Album: Manifesto
- Track#: 5
- Genre: Rock/New Age
- Label: 4PM Zen Productions, LLC
- Producer: Dr. Ming Way
- Composer/Songwriter/Arranger: Michael David
- Vocals/Rhythm Guitar: Michael David
- Released: January 1, 2021
Humanity Economics Abstract
Implores the exploration of the metaphysical self from one’s own perspective, since individuals can only do this for themselves. Such an examination leads to an understanding of our own human energy, and how we can use it to fulfill ourselves as well as others. 38-11 is Michael David’s birth number, which he first learned about in Dan Millman’s book on numerology entitled “The Live You Were Born to Live.” After graduating from college and deciding to pursue a career in information technology, Michael David left music behind for a short time. After having quickly become the chief information officer of an Arizona automotive groupCollection of actors who assimilate, conform and join together to endorse a similar outloo... in 2000, there was an artistic urge pulling him from within. Confused, he left his job on a whim in 2001 to get a one-bedroom apartment in Las Vegas to write music. Searching for direction, he wandered into a metaphysical book store near his place one day, and Dan’s book jumped off the shelf at him. Although Michael David is no expert on numerology, nor does he even know how it works, he was struck by how accurately Dan’s description of each digit of is birth number explained how he was feeling. This launched Michael David’s artistic examination of metaphysics and the human essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... of self. With that, the song 38-11 was created. Each verse in the song is about each digit of the birth number as described in the book: 3 – 8 – 1 – 1.
Title: Where He Came From
- Album: Manifesto
- Track#: 6
- Genre: Rock
- Label: 4PM Zen Productions, LLC
- Producer: Dr. Ming Way
- Composter/Songwriter/Arranger: Michael David
- Lead Guitar: Michael David
- Released: January 1, 2021
Humanity Economics Abstract
Heart-felt reminder that the past experiences that we hold onto in lives are responsible for manifesting our economic dispositions. This song focusses on fulfilling experiences, but it is also important to remember that unsatisfying and unfulfilling experiences influence our intent as well. It is up to each individual artist-entrepreneur to find the motivation to answer our calling, and contemplating where we came from is a great way to do it from within, as opposed to looking for things outside of ourselves to drive us.
Title: Fire
- Album: Manifesto
- Track#: 7
- Genre: Rock
- Label: 4PM Zen Productions, LLC
- Producer: Dr. Ming Way
- Composer/Songwriter/Arranger: Michael David
- Vocals/Lead Guitar: Michael David
- Rhythm/Lead Guitar: David Owen
- Released: January 1, 2021
Humanity Economics Abstract
This song examines the concept of the debt that is left behind when lack manifests. If we imagined that all economic things were made of wood, imagine what they would look like if exposed to a flame-thrower: only a charred black figure would remain. In traditional economics, we think of debt as something that is arranged by a bank. In Humanity Economics, the concept of debt extends to any transaction in which the exchange participants do not willfully exchange wealth in kind, resulting in lack for one participant. This extends to the case of theft, which in always leaves one party with lack, and with that, a debt that attracts some kind of collateral or payback. Fire is the story of Michael David’s next-door neighbor from college, who had things stolen from him, motivating him to seek remedy by steeling things from cars of other neighbors in the parking lot. This led to a string of vandalisms in the apartment complex that appeared to spread like a fire to Michael David. This song explores clause 5.4 of the Humanity Economics Manifesto, which explores the foundations of economic ethics. The song recalls a story of how the practice of breaking these ethics can spread across economic platforms like a fire, particularly when aggressive remedies and forceful defenses responses are utilized instead of a collective system of justice.
Oil Painting
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Digital Art
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