
Wealth represented by a green cuboid in the Humanity Economics construct


Wealth is represented by green cuboids throughout the Humanity Economics construct, which can manifest within any of the eight octants.  When analyzing a platform with a macroeconomic scope using the construct, the total experiential wealth of all individuals in scope is consolidated into one cuboid appearing in each octant that sums the total cuboidal volume of every individual instance of wealth.

All wealth cuboids are rectangular with their diagonals beginning at the origin.  The diagonal of a wealth cuboid portrays the intent that potentiated it, the vector of which spans its diagonal from the origin of the construct to the opposite corner.  The outer point of each vector of intent is the determinant of any wealth cuboid’s height, length, width and volume.  The dimensions of all wealth cuboids are derived this way, and maintain (or evolve) their volumes over time based on dispositions of intent held (or evolved) within the actors entangled with the initial objective.  


All wealth manifests as a result of human intent.  While the concept of intent is concerned with the persistent forces of compulsion that potentiate actualization and experience, wealth is concerned with the nature of the outcome.  The fundamental nature that makes wealth satisfying and fulfilling is called essence in Humanity Economics.  In everyday life, we denote the essence of economic entities and offerings in terms of features, benefits, utility and the like.  In order to portray these characteristics in the construct, they must be conceptualized as energy.

Diagonal of a wealth cuboid, portraying the disposition of intent

In the previous chapter on intent, the metaphor used to describe the disposition of intent was a spring building up potential energy as it was stretched.  This was useful because portraying the potential of a disposition as the tension building in a spring was representative of the attractive force between the origin and the outreach of intent from any actor’s human core.  That force portrays the vigor with which any actor intends to obtain or actualize an economic entity or offering. To continue with that energy metaphor in this discussion on wealth, imagine that the outreach of intent has become so vigorous that it has stretched the spring out completely, such that it appears as a taut cable or a string.  The path of this string is anchored at the origin and stretches to form the diagonal of the wealth cuboid as shown in the figure to the right.

The string in the metaphor just described portrays the essence of wealth in Humanity Economics.  The metaphor renders two key characteristics that are central to the concept of essence, beginning with the way the string passes directly through the core of the cuboid, via the diagonal path traced by the line segment formed between the origin and the outer corner.  Essence is concerned with the nature of something at its core, and the geometry of the string traversing the cuboid’s core in the metaphor captures this eloquently.  The second characteristic that assimilates the metaphor with essence is the portrayal of a potential frequency.  If one was to induce vibration of this taut string within a medium, it would produce a waveform with a particular frequency.  This frequency would radiate a signal in the rendering of an economic energy wave, which portrays the encoding of the information that makes wealth satisfying and fulfilling when it is experienced.  This metaphor around strings captures the way features, benefits, utility and the like are encoded into the waveform of energy in Humanity Economics.

The Orders of Wealth

Wealth undergoes a lifecycle that spans its essential origination in concept and its realization in the occasion of an individual’s experience of it.  Humanity Economics accounts for all forms of wealth, even during parts of its existence when it is still a concept.  The orders of wealth are the succession of cumulative states of wealth stepped in degrees of reality, in which the beginning of the spectrum consists only of essential concepts about a future entity or offering that could potentially satisfy objective(s).  Conceptually, this end of the wealth spectrum is considered to be the least real of all orders.

Top view of the orders of wealth in vector slices; energy portrayed as the entire sphere; reality portrayed as the y-axis

Contrastingly, the experience of wealth in the present at the other end of the spectrum represents the pinnacle in degrees of reality.  This occurs during the consumption or utilization of an economic entity or offering, during which its energy is absorbed by the human body, senses and life experience of the consuming actor(s), resulting in the fulfillment of objective(s) (or the lack thereof).  Whether human compulsion resonates with future concepts or present entities depends on the range of direction through which any particular vector of intent passes among the 129,600-degree spectrum of the Humanity Economics construct. The orders of wealth are like slices of vector angles with the green color band of a rainbow, appearing from faintest to darkest along the radial spectrum of intent.  There are five orders of wealth, denoted as vectors:

The Order of Energy

Wealth of this order refers to radiant human energy, which can also be described as conscious thought.  Wealth on the order of energy is considered to be of the lowest order because it represents pure thought with no specific objective or intent.  It lacks sustained resonance of a particular essence without a disposition to maintain it such that it fades immediately when thoughts end.  Every conscious individual in the world contributes to wealth on the order of energy by being alive and conscious (as articulated in the affirmative statements:  I am, therefore I desire; and: I am, therefore I aspire). 

Within the Humanity Economics construct, wealth on the order of energy is depicted by a sphere with no buoying radial dispositions.  The sphere’s portrayal encompasses pure thought, in which the path of theta around the origin can be positive or negative.  Thoughts with a positive theta path represent aspirations toward self-actualization in the physical world, while thoughts with a negative theta path represent desire to take in, consume or experience the world intrinsically.

The Order of Will

Wealth on the order of will manifests when an actor declares a new objective, resulting in a persistent disposition within the metaphysical realm of an economic actor.  This is considered among the lowest orders of wealth because its disposition is associated with the essence of a potential physical experience that apparently solves the objective.  In this realm, there is no design concept nor path toward a known physical solution that has been identified yet, so it persists in an unsolved, unsatisfied state. 

Submitting to wealth on the order of will ascends the objective to the next order, which is the order of way.  This is reached when a solution has been divined about the way an objective is to be solved.  At either stage of the objective’s lifecycle, it can be potentially satisfied by any actor, including the one that manifested it.  Actor(s) can submit way to their own will by putting forth effort energy to divine a solution for solving it.  Actors(s) can also submit way to the will of other actor(s) in service of an objective, resulting in the offering of a part, one or more solution(s) for the choosing.

The Order of Way

Wealth on the order of way manifests when a potential solution for an objective has been designed and articulated.  The way of wealth can be articulated within the realm of an actor’s mind, or shared across communication mediums among a platform of co-creating actors.  In the mind, wealth on the order of way can be articulated as a clear vision for a solution, which can be articulated with affirmations such as:  <some> objective can be solved in this way.

Wealth on the order of way results in meansMeans is above the wealth order of will because it is one step closer to reality, in that it renders a solution that can be articulated and reasoned about the physical world.  However, the essence of means cannot be experienced or consumed for solving the original objective.  It can merely be observed, innovated, evolved, utilized and appreciated for its capability to produce the final solution, which comes in the form of bloom (i.e. economic entities and offerings). 

Wealth on the order of way persists to be wealth so long as wealth on the order of will maintains a disposition of intent to have its objective solved (i.e. wealth on the order of way is dependent upon the underlying persistence of wealth on the order of will).  Wealth on the order of way includes design essence (i.e. diagrams, plans, information, instructions, architecture, etc.) as well as physical means (i.e. molds, forms, plants, equipment, reproductive devices, tools, resources, etc.). 

The Order of Entity

Experiential wealth on the order of entity occurs when wealth on the order of way is applied to and/or forged into form, resulting in bloom, which renders a physical economic entity, offering or performance that apparently satisfies an objectiveSatisfaction is said to be apparent on this order because the only true verification is to experience essence during consumption.  Wealth on the order of entity can result in satisfaction or failure as a solution to objectives, and until experience verifies this through the ultimate reality of fulfillment, satisfaction is merely apparent. 

The occurrence of wealth on this order potentiates a disposition of claimClaim is an affirmation by an actor of encumbrance or possession of an economic entity, which can be affirmed and respected with the following statements respectively:  this is mine; that is yours.  Wealth on the order of entity persists so long as an entity’s economic essence is apparently able to solve the original objective per the preferred way of one or more actors.  An entity or offering ceases to exist as wealth in any instance for which no actors desire it for its ability to solve an objective, at which point it renders as lack.

The Order of Reality

Experiential wealth on the order of reality occurs when the physical form of an economic entity is experienced by an individual upon the consumption or utilization of it in the present.  Wealth on the order of entity is able to furnish one or many experiences over its lifespan.  In the case of entities desired for their vital bloom (e.g. sustenance or non-durable entities), portions of the economic entities are destroyed, devoured and fully exhausted upon consumption, and their resonant energy of essence is absorbed and experienced in totality by the consuming actor in the present.  

In the case of self-serving assets (e.g. tools and durable entities), the form of economic entities begins a gradual descent toward being fully devoured and exhausted upon first use.  The experience of each use occurs in the present for utilizing individual(s), and future uses remain in the form of wealth on the order of entity until the economic entity is utilized again.  When economic entities are fully exhausted of their capacity to solve for objectives, the physical form that potentiates their dispositional essence breaks down and their resonance as wealth on the order of entity ceases.  At that point, they can furnish no future experiences on the order of reality for fulfilling the original objective.  This marks the end of life for experiential wealth in the physical world, and the dawn of its permanent place in the metaphysical world of the consuming actor.

Wealth that has been realized by an actor becomes part of one’s life experience permanently.  The sensation (or lack thereof) of fulfillment occurs in an actor’s metaphysical realm sometime after the experience of consumption.  The life experience of the entire economic journey from concept-to-reality goes on to potentiate new dispositions within the actor that affects how future objectives and solutions are gone about.  This disposition goes on to influence new wealth on the order of energy for future objectives in and actor’s life.  It shapes the trajectory of intent in terms of whether future thoughts, will, and ways end up manifesting along a positive or negative theta path, and whether intent ends up angling toward passive, reactive, active or aggressive means of solving objectives.  

Strings of Reality

In this section, we will undergo some mental exercises in aesthetics to examine a metaphor of the string that portrays the intent that crosses wealth’s core.  In the physical world, strings are sometimes made out of metal or nylon.  In the metaphysical realm of your imagination, what might intent be made out of?  Intent in Humanity Economics portrays the concept of something in one’s imagination being extended out into the physical world where it can be constructed, observed and experienced.  In other words, it represents the force that propels economic concepts to be realized.  With these characteristics, Humanity Economics’ proclamation on the question of what this string is made of is:  reality

Picture the abstract concept of a string pulled taut that is made from reality.  If you could touch it, what would it feel like?  What characteristics would the material have?  Porousness, denseness, smoothness, or roughness?  Would it be more like fabric or metal?  There is no right or wrong answer for these concepts, however the mental journey into the imagination is key to internalizing the abstract parts in and around the Humanity Economics Model, including the orders of wealth.

Now picture your intent to pursue two objectives.  One is to create something relatively simple, such as a cup of coffee.  The other is to create something complex in the far reaches of your imagination, such as building a space ship that can land on Mars.  Now, try again to picture what it would feel like to touch and observe the string of reality for each of these objectives.  Imagine that you are the only person on Earth, and that you are going to perform every detail of design and construction to solve for these two objectives (including the farming of the coffee beans, and the refining of the jet fuel).  Set the length of your string to portray the amount of estimated time spent thinking and designing the projects to execute on the objectives.  Set the resilience of your string (i.e. the toughness, thickness, flexibility or measures that resist breakage) to portray the characteristics you find within yourself currently, which enable you to satisfy the objective, such as physical strength and knowledge.  Remember that you cannot garner any help from other people, and that while you execute these, you also need to allot some of your time to other objectives, such as survival and rest.  How long do you think the projects will take?  Do you currently possess all required knowledge to get them done?  Does your imagination foresee a scenario in which either of these strings of reality break?

In Humanity Economics, the broken string of reality portrays the anecdote for which an actor gives up on an objective for whatever reason.  In other words, if an objective seems unrealistic as we visualize it across the orders of wealth, intent can break.  In other cases, we lose interest or tire out, and we let go.  If we examine other ideas in life, sometimes we let go of one objective in lieu of another.  For an objective’s solution to be observed or realized as satisfaction or fulfillment, respectively in Humanity Economics, intent must be sustained all the way to realization.  If and when strings of reality break, will is broken, way is abandoned and wealth ceases to exist as wealth.  Reciprocally, wealth does not initiate until willed by intent that propels and extends it toward reality.  To finish out the exercise in the anecdote of this section, imagine the two objectives once more, but with the help of one or more contributing actors.  Throughout your efforts this time, the others are going to support your idea, enhance it as the solution evolves, see to your needs for survival during the projects and provide you with time to rest.  Do your strings of reality look or feel any stronger after these modifications?


Possibility represented by a purple cuboid in the Humanity Economics construct

When strings of reality remain intact and wealth manifests, it opens a realm of possibility.  The Humanity Economics construct portrays possibility by rendering purple cuboids.  Like the green cuboids of wealth, the purple cuboids of possibility are also portrayed as having a resonant string of reality passing through each of their cores.  Their dimensions are determined in the same way as wealth, only in the opposite octant of the construct with dimensions of the opposite signs.  The total volume of possibility manifested is always equal to the total volume of wealth.


Sir Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion:

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Duality of opposing economic forces portrayed by springs pulling in opposite directions

Newton’s Third Law of Motion from the science of physics eloquently portrays the energy theory that underlies Humanity Economics for how the persistent presence and capability of all wealth renders possibility in human life.  It renders the concept that when force is applied to a stationary object in one direction, equal force in the opposite direction is applied back.  The stationary object portrayed in Humanity Economics is an individual actor’s present conscious reality, rendered in the core of the construct as the lemniscate icon (∞).

When we apply Newton’s Third Law of Motion to the theoretical force portrayed by the spring tension metaphor for intent in Humanity Economics, it implies that whenever wealth is manifested, an unintentional force stretches in the opposite direction as shown in the figure above and to the right.  The fact that these forces always oppose one another equally is a phenomenon found throughout science and nature, known as duality.  Throughout the Humanity Economics construct, duality resulting from the appearance of wealth in any octant naturally manifests an equal volume of possibility in the octant that symmetrically opposes it with respect to the origin.

The nature of energy is a key area of analysis in physics.  The fundamentals rendered from this analysis can be observed across different mediums.  Mediums are what give different forms of energy their context, such that we can find meaning in the duality spanning their extremes.  For example, when the duality of physical energy is observed in water, waves render a crest and a trough.  When the duality of electrical energy is observed in a circuit, charges span a positive extreme and a negative extreme.  Humanity Economics analyzes the interdependency of the dual extremes among three energy mediums:  physical energy, economic energy, and human energy.  Of these mediums, only physical energy, which appears in volumes of the construct where the x-axis is negative, is empirical from a scientific perspective.  The remainder of physical energy along with economic energy and human energy are theoretical and are portrayed uniquely by the Humanity Economics Model.  The meaning spanned by each of their duality is articulated in the figure to the right.  A key principle in Humanity Economics is that wealth cannot exist in a human-based economy without a non-zero quantity of each of these three forms of energy


Resonance – makes for beautiful music…and economics

In Humanity Economics, it is resonance that enables wealth and possibility to radiate their essence.  The concept of wealth and possibility being capable of resonance is analogous to stringed musical instruments, where the strings of reality that pass through wealth’s core are portrayed by musical strings.  The succinct experiences (e.g. flavors, hues, sensations) produced by economic entities are analogous to musical notes, and the tapestry of experiences of more complex economic offerings (e.g. meals that include an aperitif, main course and dessert) is analogous to notes being plaid over measures of time, the songs of which encode the tapestry of essences as frequencies in harmony over each course of human experience, depicting economic compositions, songs and musicals of sorts. 

Sympathetic resonance eloquently portrays the theory for the way human energy causes resonance of dispositions that span wealth and possibility in the Humanity Economics construct.  When an actor generates thought, it is portrayed by theta (ϴ) in motion around and about the origin of the construct.  Theta’s path around the origin recurs with various frequencies, depending on the nature of the thought.  If a thought’s frequency of revolution is equal to the essential frequency of wealth and possibility, sympathetic resonance is induced.  This portrayal of matching frequencies and sympathetic resonance occurring between thought and essence is what connects metaphysical concepts and physical observation throughout the Humanity Economics Model

Attraction and Alignment

When wealth and possibility are manifested, they begin to influence the world as a mere result of their essence being in existence and proximity to economic actors.  This influence initiates when an actor declares an objective.  This is portrayed as the extension of one’s wealth and possibility, on the order of will, outward from the origin and into the physical world where it is subject to sympathetic resonance induced by the human energy of other actors. 

An actor’s will portrayed as an emanating source of energy, which induces an opportunity that attracts toward its core

Dispositions initiate within an actor’s own metaphysical realm as described in the analysis of intent in Humanity Economics.  This implies that many strings of essence to potentiate objectives in life are mutely strung within us, even during dormant time periods when they are non-resonant, as we focus on other thoughts and activities.  When an actor manifests thought that matches the frequency of one’s own disposition, sympathetic resonance is induced within one’s metaphysical realm, which compels action toward the physical possibility of energy in service of that objective.  When we explore our own metaphysical realm, we can each experience this as an affirmative inner feeling of compulsion toward some objective whenever our thoughts arrive on its particular essence.  This compulsion toward acting upon an objective is portrayed by the purple area of possibility toward service in the figure to the right.  In the economic polarity analyzed in Humanity Economics energy theory, negative polarity is denoted as a sink force throughout the construct.  A sink force is one that attracts toward a central point, as shown by the inward radial vectors shown in the center of the purple area.  This inward attraction portrays the feeling of compulsion to act upon an objective.

As each of us experiences life among other actors outside our own metaphysical realm, we come upon opportunities to connect with them in efforts of co-creation, sometimes in service of their objectives.  These extrinsic opportunities induce thought, and with that, sympathetic resonance within ourselves that compels use of our physical bodies and artistic chops in service of creating something new, in accordance with extrinsic objectives (i.e. objectives that originated from the will of other actors). 

An actor’s chops render wealth of service capability, potentiating the possibility of creating something with those chops

To explore an anecdote for attraction and alignment related to music, imagine a disposition of intent for music performance within an actor (i.e. the actor is endowed with chops and possesses the means of an instrument to produce music).  Now imagine an extrinsic opportunity to join an orchestra, potentiated by another actor’s intent to assemble one.  The creation of the orchestra, along with opportunities to join it and play in it, are portrayed by the previous image above, in which creation is initiated by a positive energy source in an actor’s metaphysical realm.  The opportunity availed to others that is potentiated by the creation of the orchestra attracts music talent to its core.  When such an opportunity is later presented to another actor with matching capabilities (portrayed by the green area in the image to the right), attraction and alignment are induced by the commingling economic energy frequencies.  Essentially, the emanating source of service capability in the image to the right fills the possibility attracted by the objective in the previous image.

Octants of Wealth

Each octant that holds cuboidal wealth in the Humanity Economics construct possesses various characteristics that provide a context for the duality that spans wealth and possibility rendering in them.  This is useful throughout Trajectory Theory, Exchange Theory and Progress Theory.  These are advanced derivative dissertations that extend the Humanity Economics Model by analyzing and exploring micro and macroeconomic balance in the world across different types of experiential wealth.  The characteristics described in the octants of wealth are derived from the axes of the construct along with the sign of each dimension of cuboids rendering in any particular octant.

The following sections will enumerate the following information for each octant of experiential wealth:

  • A contextual name along with some other suitable labels
  • A summary of the octant’s nature
  • The order(s) of wealth that comprise the dispositional angles within the octant’s volume
  • Examples and descriptions of the kinds of events that initiate wealth dispositions in each octant
  • A logical explanation for the derivation of each cuboid’s height, length and width in terms of the x-axis of experience, the y-axis of prosperity and the z-axis of reciprocity
  • Identification of each octant’s polar opposite with regards to dispositional duality

Octant I: Inspiration

Wealth Octant I: Inspiration

Alternate Labels

Humanity’s Disposition to Actualize, Human Propensity to Create


Volume in this octant depicts dispositions within individuals to create and/or design new human economic experiences.

Orders of Wealth

The volume of wealth in octant I encompasses wealth on two orders:  the order of will and the order of way. 

Initiating Events

Wealth depicted in Octant I on the order of will is initiated by one’s declaration of an objective to create something new, which initiates a disposition with the resonant essence of experiencing fulfillment from a future solution.

Wealth depicted in Octant I on the order of way is initiated by one’s divining of a solution for an objective, which initiates a disposition with the resonant essence of idea(s) for a future solution.

X-Axis Volume Derivative

Sustained by the degree of vision into the future with regards to the solution idea

Y-Axis Volume Derivative

Sustained by the magnitude of inspiration put forth to actualize a solution for the objective

Z-Axis Volume Derivative

Supported by the span of ubiquity intended for the proliferation of the solution

Polar Opposite

The polar opposite of octant I is octant VII: Service

Octant II: Environment

Alternate Labels

Home Sweet Home, Mother Earth, My House, Nature’s Means, Proverbial Means, Humanity’s Environment, Divine Means, Experience’s Inventory, Personal Space, Encumbrances


Wealth Octant II: Environment

The volume of wealth in Octant II depicts the encumbrance of space that an individual calls home.  This includes the wealth of a life-sustaining environment composed of earthly space, the nature of the temperate oxygen-rich environment, abundant water and protection from the harmful radiation in space.  In the space called home, individuals store their experiential wealth and arrange it in such a way to be enjoyed at some point in the future.

Orders of Wealth

Octant II contains wealth on the order of entity.

Initiating Events

The potential for environmental wealth depicted in this octant initiated long ago with celestial events that created the heavenly bodies of solar systems.  This potential wealth actualizes when life encumbers, occupies, arranges and claims experiential wealth in the personal space typically referred to as “home.”  Wealth depicted in this octant grows as claims on economic entities are acquired and arranged within individuals’ environments to their liking.

X-Axis Volume Derivative

Forged by the degree of stability surrounding environmental encumbrances

Y-Axis Volume Derivative

Derived from the perspective of the beholder of one’s encumbrances

Z-Axis Volume Derivative

Supported by the fidelity of recognition, support and respect for one’s encumbered claims by all other individuals

Polar Opposite

The polar opposite of octant II is octant VIII, Claims.

Octant III: Bloom

Alternate Labels

Satisfaction’s Display Table, The Point of Exchange, Means of Exchange

Wealth Octant III: Bloom


The volume of wealth in Octant III encompasses experiential wealth that blooms in support of vitality and sought human experience.  Forms of wealth include those with economic essence that can be experienced by the five senses of the human body, via energy absorbed directly from its resonance, breakdown and ultimate destruction when devoured during consumption. 

Orders of Wealth

Octant III contains wealth on the order of entity.

Initiating Events

Wealth depicted in this octant initiates when wealth from Octant VII has been completely developed and deployed for exchange. 

X-Axis Volume Derivative

Sustained by the degree of ingenuity that has been infused into an economic entity

Y-Axis Volume Derivative

Forged from the level of quality and fitness with which the economic entity solves for an objective

Z-Axis Volume Derivative

Supported by the level of abundance resulting from reproduction of an economic entity

Polar Opposite

The polar opposite of Octant III is octant V, Vitality. 

Octant IV: Opulence

Alternate Names

Wealth Octant IV: Opulence

Humanity’s Investment Portfolio, Humanity’s Treasure Chest 


The volume of wealth in octant IV encompasses humanity’s claims on means.  Forms of wealth include investments in organized means arranged as utilitarian endeavors, or collections of economic entities and groups of individuals dedicated to the cause of generating bloom.

Orders of Wealth

Octant IV contains wealth on the order of way. 

Initiating Events

Wealth depicted in this octant initiates when an individual foresees opportunities in the future for harvesting encumbrances of the satisfaction and fulfillment that emanates from wealth’s realization by others, such that in reaction to this foresight, a disposition of claim emerges with abstract quantity(s) or unit(s) (i.e. shares) of equity on the means of production.

X-Axis Volume Derivative

Sustained by the risk that in the time between the moment when an investment is made and the future when fulfillment is foreseen, randomity could prevent the endeavor’s sought outcome of fulfillment of economic objectives

Y-Axis Volume Derivative

Sustained by the potential of the endeavor to fulfill sought economic objectives and harvest a portion of the energy that results from satisfaction of economic objectives

Z-Axis Volume Derivative

Potentiated by the number of individuals who could be fulfilled by the endeavor’s bloom in the future

Polar Opposite

The polar opposite of octant IV is octant VI, Means.

Octant V: Vitality

Alternate Names

Wealth Octant V: Vitality

Humanity’s Will to Survive, Humanity’s Will to Experience, Desire


Volume in this octant depicts disposition(s) within individual(s) to survive and partake in economic life experiences.  It encompasses the essence of future fulfillment of survival needs as well as desires and preferences for all economic experiences in life.

Orders of Wealth

The volume of wealth in octant V encompasses wealth on two orders:  the order of will and the order of way. 

Initiating Events

Wealth depicted in octant V on the order of will is passive and innate, therefore it is initiated at birth for all individuals.

Wealth depicted in octant V on the order of way is initiated by a disposition with the essence of having chosen a solution source or path for solving an objective.  This could take the form of a purchase, a trade with another individual or a complementary disposition of declaration in octant I to create a solution for oneself.

X-Axis Volume Derivative

Sustained by the foreseen longevity with which a potential solution (i.e. way) can sustain satisfaction and fulfillment for a sought objective

Y-Axis Volume Derivative

Sustained by the will to fulfill an economic objective

Z-Axis Volume Derivative

Potentiated by awareness of the stack rank of any/all economic objective(s) for oneself and for others

Polar Opposite

The polar opposite of octant V is octant III, Bloom. 

Octant VI: Means

Alternate Names

Wealth Octant VI: Means

Man-Made Means, Plant & Equipment, Means of Production


Volume in this octant depicts the physical means fashioned and arranged by humanity in a targeted endeavor to produce economic offerings and entities.  This includes tools, organizations, factories, molds, casts, equipment and groups of individuals united for the shared cause of solving objective(s). 

Orders of Wealth

The volume of wealth in octant VI encompasses wealth on the order of entity

Initiating Events

The means of production instantiate at the point where tools, machines, methods and individual(s) are arranged in such a way that at will, bloom capable of satisfaction and fulfillment can be reproduced.

X-Axis Volume Derivative

Derived from the durability of the overall endeavor, including the tools, arrangement, and methods; as well as the trust, connection and relationships of the individuals involved in the endeavor

Y-Axis Volume Derivative

Forged by the fitness and utility that enables the overall endeavor to reproduce bloom capable of satisfaction and fulfillment 

Z-Axis Volume Derivative

Potentiated by the capacity of the overall endeavor to reproduce a greater number of units of bloom

Polar Opposite

The polar opposite of octant VI is octant IV, Opulence.

Octant VII: Service

Alternate Names

Wealth Octant VII: Service

Chops, The Art of Man, Natural Talent, Acquired Skills, Aesthetic Bloom, Inspiration’s Bloom, Labor


Volume in this octant depicts the skills that every individual possesses in a service capacity to produce bloom or serve other individuals directly.  This includes knowledge and skills for honing one’s power to influence the form of matter as well as the intent of others.  This includes people skills such as leadership and relationship building, as well as the power to inspire through the arts.  All wealth depicted in this octant is embodied within human individuals (as opposed to non-human entities). 

Orders of Wealth

The volume of wealth in octant VII encompasses wealth on two orders:  the order of way and the order of entity (i.e. knowing how, and being able; the mind and body respectively).

Initiating Events

Committing the mind or the hand to producing or building any economic entity, or to delivering any service in the physical earthly realm

X-Axis Volume Derivative

Derived from the breadth of experience and knowledge gained with respect to solving a given economic objective

Y-Axis Volume Derivative

Forged by human capability innate to one’s body or mind, making one uniquely fit for solving a given economic objective

Z-Axis Volume Derivative

Potentiated by amount or unit quantity of satisfaction and/or fulfillment that individuals are capable of producing in a given period of time

Polar Opposite

The polar opposite of octant VII is octant I, Inspiration

Octant VIII: Claims

Alternate Names

Wealth Octant VIII: Claims

Claims on Experience, Claims on Economic Entities, The Individual’s Treasure Chest, Private Property, The Home-Front


The volume of wealth in octant VIII encompasses humanity’s claims on the means of experience.  Forms of wealth include claims within the physical space in the environmental vicinity around an individual, and his or her claimed belongings that are capable of being summoned at will for fulfilling an economic objective.

Orders of Wealth

The volume of wealth in octant VIII encompasses wealth on the order of way. 

Initiating Events

Wealth in this octant instantiates the instant that an individual manifests a disposition of claim associated with an economic entity.

X-Axis Volume Derivative

Derived from the certainty with which a claim will result in future fulfillment

Y-Axis Volume Derivative

Derived from the safety of a claim from theft, harm, degradation or destruction

Z-Axis Volume Derivative

Derived from the safety of the claims of others from theft, harm, degradation or destruction which all have a direct effect on one’s own claims

Polar Opposite

The polar opposite of octant VIII is octant II, Environment.

The Cycle of Wealth

The cycle of wealth

The cycle of wealth is a set of milestones for economic energy to begin within the core of human beings and transfer to the core of non-human physical form. It is a cadence that follows a path similar to tossing something up in the air and observing its fall back to Earth.  Upward is the path toward instantiation of bloom, and downward is the path toward the devouring and destruction of it.  The cycle of wealth passes through the orders of wealth, beginning and ending with the pure energy thought.  The cycle begins with an objective in the metaphysical realm, and ends with the experience of physical energy via the absorption of it through the human senses where it resides permanently in the metaphysical.

Cycles of wealth take place across two realms of human existence, beginning first in the metaphysical realm of the individual, reaching its pinnacle point half-way to the physical realm, and descending back to the physical realm where it is realized.  Altitudes of ascent and descent mark the orders of wealth like plateaus that represent milestones toward wealth realization.  These milestones follow an order of succession order by degree of realness, beginning in concept and ending with the reality of experience.  The plane of possibility on which this reality unfolds spans the physical and metaphysical realms.  This span is made possible by duality between these realms of human existence, initiated by human intent.  This divide between realms is connected by a thread of reality, which resonates with economic essence for humanity to foresee, appreciate, look forward to, and ultimately experience during fulfillment.

Author: Michael David
© 2021, Humanity Economics Institute, LLC

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