
Humanity Economics Model, Version 3.55
Author:  Michael David
Coauthor / Editor:  Dr. Ming Way
Last Updated:  6-30-2024

Purpose and Overview

The Humanity Economics Model is about getting to the root of the value in wealth, what it is made of, how it came into being, and perhaps most importantly, why it exists in the first place.

Wealth is a resulting duality between capability and the possibility that said capability could potentially serve a sought economic goal or objective.

In some instances, wealth results from our organic environment, such as in the case of the temperate environment we live in on Earth. In other instances, it is a result of conscious intent by human actors to serve one another.

Green cuboids represent capability in the Humanity Economics Model; extension lines tagged with metaphysical concepts portray the dimensions of what wealth is made of.

The Human Essence of Economics

What is your favorite song? Can you articulate how much you love it? Do you have an explanation for why you love it? What about your favorite food? Your favorite kind of car? Your favorite movie?

The reasons that economic things resonate with us embody some first principles of what differentiate us as individual human beings. First principles are things that cannot be deduced any further, such as the reason for which particles of positive and negative charges attract one another — they just do. The reason you love that favorite song of yours is — you just do.

When your favorite song was created, some artist(s) composed and arranged it just right, the way you like it. Why were they so inclined to do so — they just were. Their unique essence was designed, somehow, to create exactly what it is that fulfills you every time you consume it.

Being fulfilled as a consumer can be an exhilarating experience, but whenever that experience occurs, it induces another equal and opposite phenomenon of resonance in other(s) — the creator(s) of your favorite song. That phenomenon is experienced by those creators as opulence, and occurs as a direct result of your fulfillment, the very essence of which inspires them to create again and again.

The Humanity Economics Model was created to articulate how the fulfillment we get from consuming is only half of the equation. The fulfillment that comes from creating economic things to serve others is every bit a part of economics as is consumption, and is a phenomenon in the human experience that cannot be measured in monetary units. In an economic discourse obsessed with consumption, we need a theoretical model for understanding this duality.

The Model

Renderings of human wealth, lack, possibility and power in the construct

The Humanity Economics Model theorizes wealth in three dimensions for the purpose of portraying what gives it volume. It portrays wealth as green cuboids as pictured above. It also portrays wealth’s theoretical counterparts in an economy, which in the Humanity Economics Model are power, possibility and lack (represented by red, purple and black cuboids respectively).

This model serves as a new perspective to be enjoyed by economic enthusiasts, artists and entrepreneurs to gain a better understanding of the actual source and nature of wealth in economics. Enjoy!

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Author: Michael David
© 2024, Humanity Economics Institute, LLC

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