Economics is rooted in us, thrives within us and is driven by us; we are human beings, and we hereby contribute a new economic philosophy that embraces energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More, essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More and wealth rooted in our humanity:
Economics is uniquely human
(1.1) Economics is an organic phenomenon that is unique to humanity, rather than an exact science that can be applied to all life on Earth or to every object in the universe;
(1.2) The organic nature of economics is derived from its unique mix of human intelligence, free will, visionDimension of the wealth of will and way measured along the x-axis of octant I of the Human... More and inspiration that is unparalleled among other forms of life on Earth;
(1.3) A predominant truth held in the modern economic discourse is the notion that there is an economic “us” (i.e. the economy) that needs to perpetually “grow” together;
(1.4) Economic “growth” has become synonymous with perpetual aggregate expansion, expressed as upward numeric trajectories and observed activity, measured on a monetary scale, expressed as reports and statistical trends based on empirical observations of past outcomes;
(1.5) To the extent that our economic discourse assumes perpetual growth to be “good,” it ignores key questions that remain unanswered about how arbitrary “growth” serves humanity as the sole beneficiary of our economic outcomes;
(1.6) This leads to deeper questions that empiricism of past economic outcomes cannot answer, such as: Why economics? Why do we create? Why do we exchange with one another? Why do we expand? Why do we grow?
(1.7) This brings us to the most fundamental economic questions that are ignored by the modern economic discourse: What does a monetary unit consist of? What is wealth made of?
(1.8) Humanity Economics was founded to explore the answers to these questions, which are, respectively:
Human EnergySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More and EssenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More.
Economics is rooted in human energy
(2.1) Economics is a phenomenon driven by energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More that is intentionally channeled by human actors into economic endeavors, entities and offerings (i.e. economic things);
(2.2) The human components of economic energy are metaphysical thought and physical effort, the embodiments of which combine for the result of a configuration and refinement of matter, capable of providing a sought human experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More;
(2.3) Thought energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More is transmitted by the creator of an economic thing to potentiate capabilityFrequency produced by an entity or offering that produces an experience in accordance with... More, for the purposes of imagining the fulfillmentDisposition resulting from an intrinsic metaphysical experience of energy from consuming a... More of a human experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More and/or the divining of a way to manifest that experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More;
(2.4) Physical energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More is transmitted and transacted by the producer of an economic thing to potentiate possibilityMetaphysical context in space-time in which the meaning or frequency of an entity or offer... More, which provides a realm to gather and arrange the inputs and preparations for manifesting a human experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More;
Economic energy bears magnitude and direction
(3.1) When the energies of metaphysical thought and physical effort are transmitted from a human actorPlatform, group or individual that engages in economic transmissions and transactions More to economic things, the actorPlatform, group or individual that engages in economic transmissions and transactions More adds to the aggregate economic potential of the Earthly world (i.e. energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More flows in a positive direction);
(3.2) When the physical energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More within economic things transmits to a human actorPlatform, group or individual that engages in economic transmissions and transactions More, for whom an experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More renders, the actorPlatform, group or individual that engages in economic transmissions and transactions More extracts from aggregate economic potential of the Earthly world (i.e. energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More flows in a negative direction);
(3.3) The magnitude of potential economic energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More in the positive direction potentiates capability;
(3.4) The magnitude of potential economic energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More in the negative direction potentiates possibility;
Economic energy is potentiated by duality
(4.1) All energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More in the universe is potentiated by a span of duality, or contextual differentiation, i.e. sea vs. sky, hot vs. cold, high vs. low, true vs. false, up vs. down, positive vs. negative, etcetera;
(4.2) Economic energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More is potentiated by the duality span between capability and possibility;
(4.3) All forms of energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More feature a contextual ground state that exists at the median of their duality spans;
(4.4) The ground state of economic energy is reality;
Human energy is foundational to economic ethics
(5.1) Human actors are endowed with innate instincts to conserve their economic energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More for survival in order to sustain during periods of scarcity;
(5.2) Every human actor’s innate instincts to conserve energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More persist upon even the modern economic platformCollection of actors, entities and offerings bonded by a common economic essence More during periods of abundance, during which economic energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More can be directed to plateaus above survival with respect to humanity’s hierarchy of needs, if an actorPlatform, group or individual that engages in economic transmissions and transactions More so chooses;
(5.3) The collective human instincts of all human actors to conserve economic energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More organically governs and protects the welfare of the economic platformCollection of actors, entities and offerings bonded by a common economic essence More as a whole by ensuring that human energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More is allocated as required to support the hierarchy of humanity’s needs;
(5.4) The innate basis for economic ethics that persists within the human actorPlatform, group or individual that engages in economic transmissions and transactions More is the compulsion to balance the quantity of energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More exchanged (i.e. a comparable amplitude and duration transmitting or transacting in opposite directions, or an equitable trade) whenever engaged in a voluntary economic exchange;
All economic things possess essence
(6.1) EssenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More initiates within the core of human actors at birth;
(6.2) EssenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More is the nature and quality(s) at the core of economic things and human actors that renders all respective unique instances of existence;
The essence of human actors
(7.1) As a human actorPlatform, group or individual that engages in economic transmissions and transactions More experiences life, dispositions potentiate between an actor’s intrinsic core and possibilities for economic fulfillmentDisposition resulting from an intrinsic metaphysical experience of energy from consuming a... More from the extrinsic physical world, which compel one’s desires;
(7.2) As an actorPlatform, group or individual that engages in economic transmissions and transactions More holds new ideas in the metaphysical realm, dispositions potentiate between an actor’s core and capabilities to actualize economic satisfactionDisposition sustained by judgements or beliefs resulting from the extrinsic context as a r... More in the physical world, which compels one to aspire;
(7.3) An actor’s economic essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More is transmitted during the human phenomena of desire and summoning (of claims), during which the frequency of emanating economic energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More communicates the essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More of an actor’s desire, and the amplitude potentiates the power to influenceCapability to affect the direction or magnitude of the vector of human intent More the satisfactionDisposition sustained by judgements or beliefs resulting from the extrinsic context as a r... More of said desire;
(7.4) An actor’s human essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More is transmitted during the human phenomena of aspiration and actualization (of economic things), during which the frequency of human energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More transmitted forges the essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More of an economic thing, and the amplitude potentiates its capacity;
The essence of economic energy
(8.1) Let the frequency of the waveform of economic energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More render the essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More of its transmission source;
(8.2) Let the positive direction of economic wave transmission portray the human actorPlatform, group or individual that engages in economic transmissions and transactions More as a force source, originating from the actor’s core and out to the physical world, such that positive transmissions render the human essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More of actualization;
(8.3) Let the negative direction of economic wave transmission portray the human actorPlatform, group or individual that engages in economic transmissions and transactions More as a force sink, descending inward toward the actor’s core, originating from an economic entityForm with distinct economic essence fit for carrying out human objectives More in the physical world, such that negative transmissions render the economic essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More of experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More;
The Humanity Economics Model
Empiricism, aesthetics and essence
(9.1) In traditional institutions that employ a scientific approach to studying economics, outcomes are empirically analyzed and evaluated by collecting accounting data about past periods of actual exchange transactions, measured in monetary units exchanged among a groupCollection of actors who assimilate, conform and join together to endorse a similar outloo... More in scope;
(9.2) The organic mechanism that determines the clearing quantity in monetary units for a voluntary exchange (i.e. price) cannot be directly observed or evaluated empirically due to its metaphysical nature, so it is often characterized in traditional economic institutions using aesthetic metaphors (such as The Invisible Hand, proposed by Adam Smith in Theory of Moral Sentiments);
(9.3) The Humanity Economics Model shall serve to combine practical scientific principles from the energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More theory of physics with a comprehensive aesthetic model of essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More and human energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More to build a fundamental understanding of economics that embraces the metaphysical realm of humanity, while respecting what can be observed empirically through accounting;
(9.4) The Humanity Economics Model shall portray the resonanceEssential frequency(s) of energy responsible for the attraction of alignment between econo... More of human essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More over time as the energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More that builds dispositions of economic potential, and the resonanceEssential frequency(s) of energy responsible for the attraction of alignment between econo... More of economic essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More over time as that which builds dispositions of human potential, both potentiated by the dispositionNotion affirmed in the mind of an individual that initiates and sustains intent More between capabilityFrequency produced by an entity or offering that produces an experience in accordance with... More and possibilityMetaphysical context in space-time in which the meaning or frequency of an entity or offer... More (i.e. the attraction between positive and negative economic energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More poles);
(9.5) While there is no practical instrument to measure the theoretical units (human iotas) of force that compel outcomes in Humanity Economics, the Humanity Economics Institute was founded to perpetually explore art forms that inspire economic enthusiasts to observe the essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More of human energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More from within our own metaphysical space, as an alternative to seeking economic enlightenment solely through existing philosophies that are limited to accounting data analysis and scientific method;
(9.6) The Humanity Economics Model shall acknowledge, examine, evaluate and respect wealth that manifests in two realms: the physical realm, and the metaphysical realm;
The half of wealth that we are missing
(10.1) Wealth undergoes a lifecycle, which begins in the metaphysical (as ideas/concepts), becoming physical for a period (as endeavors, entities, offerings), and ends by returning to the metaphysical realm (as human experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More);
(10.2) The traditional discourse on economics to this point acknowledges, evaluates and accounts for wealth that manifests in the physical realm, while missing, ignoring and omitting that which manifests in the metaphysical realm;
Prosperity and opulence
(11.1) Wealth can be examined across a spectrum that spans the realms of prosperityResonance resulting from fulfillment of an objective that potentiates dispositions of inte... More and opulenceResidual resonance from the fulfillment of other(s) harvested as a result of their economi... More;
(11.2) ProsperityResonance resulting from fulfillment of an objective that potentiates dispositions of inte... More is the direct intrinsic experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More of wealth’s essential energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More by an individual;
(11.3) OpulenceResidual resonance from the fulfillment of other(s) harvested as a result of their economi... More is the reflective residual energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More of one (or more) individual’s prosperityResonance resulting from fulfillment of an objective that potentiates dispositions of inte... More, experienced as resonanceEssential frequency(s) of energy responsible for the attraction of alignment between econo... More by others;
(11.4) The purest formPhysical existence embodied by the present state of matter within the physical world More of potential prosperityResonance resulting from fulfillment of an objective that potentiates dispositions of inte... More is the economic entityForm with distinct economic essence fit for carrying out human objectives More, manifested as essential physical matter configured into a formPhysical existence embodied by the present state of matter within the physical world More capable of rendering a sought human experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More;
(11.5) The purest formPhysical existence embodied by the present state of matter within the physical world More of potential opulenceResidual resonance from the fulfillment of other(s) harvested as a result of their economi... More is the monetary unit, provided that it is respected by all actors across an economic platformCollection of actors, entities and offerings bonded by a common economic essence More, it has manifested as physical matter induced with human energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More, and is upheld for the purposes of maintaining the ethical foundation that governs the conservation of economic energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More across all wealth that manifests upon the economic platformCollection of actors, entities and offerings bonded by a common economic essence More;
Satisfaction and Fulfillment
(12.1) The prosperityResonance resulting from fulfillment of an objective that potentiates dispositions of inte... More that human actors perceive and experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More from wealth can be examined across a spectrum that spans the realms of satisfactionDisposition sustained by judgements or beliefs resulting from the extrinsic context as a r... More and fulfillmentDisposition resulting from an intrinsic metaphysical experience of energy from consuming a... More;
(12.2) SatisfactionDisposition sustained by judgements or beliefs resulting from the extrinsic context as a r... More is perceived by an individual actorPlatform, group or individual that engages in economic transmissions and transactions More as a result of the observation of one’s surrounding economic contextExtrinsic arrangement, nature and state of form, energy and intent surrounding an economic... More, which includes one’s own evaluation and state of economic claims, the distribution of claims and welfare of other actors, and the apparent certainty in being able to summon one’s claims to fulfill future objectives at one’s whim;
(12.3) FulfillmentDisposition resulting from an intrinsic metaphysical experience of energy from consuming a... More is an experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More of essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More, which renders as resonant energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More from a source intended for a specific capabilityFrequency produced by an entity or offering that produces an experience in accordance with... More, which becomes a source of permanent inspiration for future dispositions within the experiencing actorPlatform, group or individual that engages in economic transmissions and transactions More to originate intrinsically;
(12.4) The purest and most perpetual formPhysical existence embodied by the present state of matter within the physical world More of satisfactionDisposition sustained by judgements or beliefs resulting from the extrinsic context as a r... More is money, which possesses no particular essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More of experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More, and embodies the potential human energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More of every economic actorPlatform, group or individual that engages in economic transmissions and transactions More other than its respective claimant, from the instant it is forged into formPhysical existence embodied by the present state of matter within the physical world More until it is disfigured;
(12.5) The purest and most perpetual formPhysical existence embodied by the present state of matter within the physical world More of fulfillmentDisposition resulting from an intrinsic metaphysical experience of energy from consuming a... More is human life itself, which resonates persistently with the essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More of oneself from birth until death;
Wealth’s nature and composition
(13.1) All wealth requires the induction of a non-zero magnitude of possibilityMetaphysical context in space-time in which the meaning or frequency of an entity or offer... More (i.e. the bearance of economic energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More in the negative direction of possibilityMetaphysical context in space-time in which the meaning or frequency of an entity or offer... More with respect to ground state);
(13.2) All wealth requires a non-zero infusion of physical energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More to have been manifested into physical formPhysical existence embodied by the present state of matter within the physical world More, figure and configuration that gives it capabilityFrequency produced by an entity or offering that produces an experience in accordance with... More (i.e. the bearance of economic energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More in the positive direction of capabilityFrequency produced by an entity or offering that produces an experience in accordance with... More with respect to ground state);
(13.3) All wealth possesses essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More at its core, which carries out wealth’s intentPropensity to carry out action in accordance with an objective More to produce a sought human experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More during the experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More of fulfillmentDisposition resulting from an intrinsic metaphysical experience of energy from consuming a... More (i.e. realization, consumption);
(13.4) Any manifestation with an absence of any of the three components above is devoid of potential prosperityResonance resulting from fulfillment of an objective that potentiates dispositions of inte... More, and exists in a formPhysical existence embodied by the present state of matter within the physical world More lacking the qualifications of being deemed economic wealth throughout Humanity Economics.
Embodying all perspectives espoused herein, we declare the following calls to action in and around the modern economic discourse to further humanity’s enlightenment about the true nature of the human phenomenon we call economics:
Calls to Action
Calling all Artists

There is a key voice missing from the modern economic discourse: it is that of the Artist, and without it, humanity will continue to pursue a mindless expansion that is devoid of artistic creation.
In this modern economy, the extent to which we obsess about shallow innovation, we ignore the art of deep creation. The modern economy is in a mad rush to the top of the summit, and we are terrified to reinvent the wheel for fear of how long it would take, and how that would delay our ascent to the top. We have built a platformCollection of actors, entities and offerings bonded by a common economic essence More on top of the wheel, and everyone has jumped on for the ride, trying desperately to stack their incremental piece of cargo onto the load. In the meantime, nobody has the wherewithal to check the undercarriage to see if the wheel still turns. Lo and behold, the wheel does in fact need to be reinvented, the way only the artist can, from within our individual – human – metaphysical – creative realm. We call upon the artist to divine humanity’s economic wings.
Where is our voice as artists to remind humanity that good is the enemy of great? The modern economic discourse is obsessed with deeming economic things to be “good” with the hope of making them ubiquitous. This predominant mindset is one of mindless growth and shallow innovation, and leads to an ignorant overload of our economic platforms, which erodes them and eventually renders them an illusion. The artist does not create to be ubiquitous. The artist creates for the sake of beauty, uniqueness and inspiration. The artist radiates this opulenceResidual resonance from the fulfillment of other(s) harvested as a result of their economi... More with no guarantee of compensation. This is what creates new organically sustainable economic platforms, which humanity lacks more and more as we continue along the current trajectory.
Call to Action – Artists
We aim to inspire you to turn your talents toward depicting the human energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More that powers economics.
For information on partnering with the Humanity Economics Institute on art projects in this area, please subscribe to our email list for more information – we’d love to hear your impressions.
Calling all Entrepreneurs
There is yet another key voice missing from the public discourse: it is that of the entrepreneur. Among a divisive discourse obsessed with creating jobs, where is our voice? Why are we allowing others to claimDisposition that designates ownership of an economic entity or offering for encumbrance am... More our livelihood for themselves? Creating jobs is our job! And with that, where is our explanation in the discourse of how and why we create jobs?
We (entrepreneurs) don’t create jobs for the sake of creating jobs. Jobs are an outcomeState of wealth or aggregate context resulting from an attempt to satisfy or fulfill an ob... More of what we do. We bring about the ubiquity of fulfillmentDisposition resulting from an intrinsic metaphysical experience of energy from consuming a... More in the world by responding organically to those who demand it. The outcomeState of wealth or aggregate context resulting from an attempt to satisfy or fulfill an ob... More is prosperityResonance resulting from fulfillment of an objective that potentiates dispositions of inte... More experienced by everyone else in the world, except us. We get a piece of the opulenceResidual resonance from the fulfillment of other(s) harvested as a result of their economi... More left over…if we’re lucky that is, but mostly we just enjoy the ride no matter how it turns out. If we fail, we try again, so there is no need to spend humanity’s energySustained vitality that is capable of inducing resonance and manifesting dispositions More on reducing risk for us, nor bestowing any special privileges or incubation programs upon us, nor contriving a path that protects us from defeat or from our mistakes.
Entrepreneurship is more like a game, so just let us play it. We’ll learn from our mistakes, and we’ll forge our own path, so there’s no need to contrive synthetic paths or games for us. If we wind up at an unfavorable plateau, it is on us to determine whether or not we belong there, and whether or not we are spending our limited meansEconomic entity(s) in the form of a tool(s), plant(s), platform(s) or mold(s) composed fro... More on something fruitful. And if we’re wrong, we’ll learn from experienceTransmission of energy from the physical world observed by the senses of an individual hum... More, innovate, find a better way and become stronger. Finally, we never forget where we came from, so there’s no need an economic community that continues predicting the aggregate economic future based on the past, we can manage our own visionDimension of the wealth of will and way measured along the x-axis of octant I of the Human... More.
While the opulenceResidual resonance from the fulfillment of other(s) harvested as a result of their economi... More we generate includes the opportunity to be employed by the endeavors we manifest, the discourse’s relentless pursuit of proletariat employment is myopic, and so we must fill in the rest of the picture. Life offers more possibilityMetaphysical context in space-time in which the meaning or frequency of an entity or offer... More than being employed by another actor’s endeavorCollection of actors involved in an ongoing effort with specific economic objective(s) More, for those who possess the dormant essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More of leadership. What happened to apprenticeship? Did it get buried in the non-competes we sign in personnel? We must deliver a new message to the modern economic discourse to help those entrepreneurs discover and inspire their essenceIntrinsic nature or abstract quality(s) that enable an economic entity or actor to solve f... More, and join us in the proliferation of real wealth.
Call to Action – Entrepreneurs
We encourage you to share your past experiences as entrepreneurs with those who are up and coming.
For information on networking with the Humanity Economics Institute on opportunities to mentor, give back and share knowledge in this area, please subscribe to our email list – we’d love to learn and share your story.
Author: Michael David
Coauthor / Editor: Dr. Ming Way
© 2022, Humanity Economics Institute, LLC