

In the previous chapter, an idea was defined as a spherical canopy of human consciousness, which holds a concept of an experience in the thought space of an individual actor.  When an actor declares future actions that portend toward an actual experience of that idea, intent is manifested.  The introduction of intent drives what is Just an Idea to a higher order of reality, which manifests as a goal or objective.  

Intent is portrayed in the construct as vectors radiating to and from the origin toward the canopy of the idea sphere and the state of mind.  The trajectories of all collective vectors of intent with respect to the axes of the construct comprise and depict a 129,600-degree spectrum of human intent.  The analysis of intent serves the purpose of understanding the spectrum’s dynamics to provide context about the nature of action being compelled, which forms the basis for Human Energy Dynamics Model’s (HEDM) core principles.


Dispositions of intent rendered as source and sink vectors with respect to the origin of the actor

We shall henceforth regard dispositions that span an actor’s state of mind and the origin as vectors of intent;

let vectors that originate in the origin portray an actor as a source for the human energy that potentiates the capability of an economic idea;

let vectors that originate in the state of mind and point toward the origin portray an actor as a sink for the economic energy of an actor, entity or offering;

Tension and Potential

Tension of a disposition, portrayed by a spring

The theoretical model for dispositions of intent in HEDM is not unlike the physics behind the energy of a spring.  The force that builds between the human core and the intent to act on an idea can be modeled like spring tension.  In physics, the tension built up in a stretched spring is called potential energy.  In the same way, the disposition of human intent to carry out an objective represents an accumulation of potential economic energy.  All potential economic energy in HEDM is measured in iotas, which encompass both a metaphysical (thought) component and a physical (work) component. 


In the HEDM construct, trajectory portrays the ways in which potential economic energy is directed.  The references for contextualizing trajectory are the three axes: experience (x-axis), prosperity (y-axis) and reciprocity (z-axis).  Congruence of any objective’s trajectory with respect to these axes determines the nature and degree to which potential energy:

  • compels thought (x-axis),
  • compels vigor of physical work (y-axis),
  • affects other economic actors (z-axis).

The following sections will provide a contextual overview of potential energy built up along these three axes.

Thought Compulsion along the X-Axis

Potential energy along the x-axis of experience

As potential energy builds along the x-axis of the HEDM construct, the intent portrayed compels thought.  Distance from the origin along the x-axis denotes time, such that as persistent force builds, it pulls back toward the ground state of the present. 

Over time, the energy from revolutions of theta are accumulated across the disposition’s beam in order to design and plan the intricate details for carrying out an ideaIntent portrayed by positive magnitude along the x-axis compels new experiences in the future through creation, potentiated by the intent to design and plan in the metaphysical realm.  Intent portrayed by negative magnitude along the x-axis compels refinement and innovation of processes associated with reproducing an economic entity or offering in the physical realm. 

Work Compulsion along the Y-Axis

Potential energy along the y-axis of prosperity

As potential energy builds along the y-axis of the HEDM construct, the intent portrayed compels physical action via the human form.  Distance from the origin along the y-axis denotes the quantity of vigor, human strength, innate chops or life force dedicated to carrying out intent, such that as persistent force builds, it pulls back toward the ground state of rest.

Intent portrayed by positive magnitude along the y-axis compels objectives that are associated with economic means, whereas negative magnitude portrays those associated with economic bloom

Other Actors along the Z-Axis

Potential energy along the z-axis of reciprocity

As potential energy builds along the z-axis of the HEDM construct, the intent portrayed compels human interaction.  Distance from the origin along the z-axis denotes the quantity of individuals involved with, or affected by any particular objective’s solution. 

Intent portrayed by positive magnitude along the z-axis compels energy toward a realm of essence that is shared intrinsically across a collective of actors.  When actors share essence, they share objectives in common.  The notion of shared essence embodies a transitive property of shared truth.  This truth enables positive energy along the z-axis to potentiate without requiring explicit human energy; but rather, it is passively supported by inherent truth.  For this reason, individual actors who share essence are referred to in HEDM as being part of a platform.  The XY plane of the construct forms a visual representation of a platform, portraying the potential for figures to sit at rest with the support of the platform beneath them.

Intent portrayed by negative magnitude along the z-axis compels the individual actor toward a realm of existence that is shared extrinsically across a collective of actors.  Extrinsically, these actors share subjective outlooks in common about the economic context around them.  These encompass the safety, welfare, sanctity and sovereignty of individual actors; and the etiquette, norms and social values regarding the assimilation and conformity to maintain a collective status.  Unlike the passive nature that bonds the actors of a platform, these actors must put forth effort to assimilate, conform and join together.  Actors who are part of these collectives are referred to as being part of a group in HEDM.  The nature of groups is for relatively simple changes in perspective, and/or brief moments of enlightenment, to result in dramatic and lasting effects on the collective.   

Tension built along the z-axis does not portend toward a ground state, but rather a balance of trajectory at a 45-degree angle with respect to the z-axis in all four quadrants of the XZ plane.  Aggregate trajectories of intent that are more congruent with the z-axis (i.e. angling more vertically) build tension among a group’s actors to resist and withstand the effects of energy from a group upon oneself.  Aggregate trajectories of intent that approach a perpendicular intersection with the z-axis portray the group pulling individuals toward assimilation and conformity with the group.

Planes of Intent

The Planes of Intent

The axes of the construct represent realms of compulsion that when squared and combined as planes, provide the economic context for analyzing and interpreting intent.  In doing so, the pairing of the axes of the construct form three planes of intentXY, XZ and YZ.  The XY and XZ planes comprise a context for interpreting all economic intent compelled by all actors.  Vectoral magnitude measured against XY and XZ portray the degree to which human energy is directed at either the form of matter or other human actors, respectively. The YZ plane represents the context of the volume rendered by any cuboid plotted by the diagonal of any intent vector (spanning the origin and its radius), which results from carrying out any economic objectiveYZ depicts the economic end state, the output or the realm of dependent variables associated with the functions plotted in the HEDM. 

The XY and XZ planes of intent are divided down the middle by the YZ plane, such that one half of their space portrays intent in the metaphysical realm, and the other portrays the actualization of intent in the physical world.  In many renderings and publications of the HEDM, the planes of intent are depicted as a face-off between water and fire.  Water is used to symbolize the metaphysical aspects of intent that manifest the realm of the brain (or mind), and fire for the physical aspects in the realm of the body and its surrounding context

Plane of intent rendering the physical realm on the left, and the metaphysical on the right, depicting a spectrum of extremes spanning passive and aggressive

Quadrantile Spectrums

The configuration of the water and fire portray a spectrum configured around the circular path drawn on the XY and XZ planes, traced around the origin.  On the metaphysical (water) side, the spectrum spans dispositions of passive and reactive intent.  Passive intent portrays the realm where thoughts and ideas around an objective emerge from the essence of human instinct intrinsically, randomly, naturally or with little-to-no explicit individual effort.  Reactive intent refers to the realm of an actor observing one’s economic context and forming an objective based on perceived opportunities or potential risk of harm or loss. 

The spectrum on the physical (fire) side of the planes of intent spans active and aggressive intent.  Active intent encompasses the realm of affecting, reforming, forging and reshaping matter and human capability in their evolution toward outcomes of entities or offerings, which satisfy objectives.  Aggressive intent encompasses the distortion or deformation of matter and the intent of the actors occupying a particular volume of space, using wide-spread and/or aggressive disbursements of energy in accordance with an objective.

Each quadrant of the XY and XZ planes break down further into sub-spectrums used to plot trajectory of intent.  For example, the first quadrant of the XY plane of intent for negative theta spans the passive arc of the metaphysical energy spectrum.  Tracing the arc of this quadrant reveals a finer spectrum of intent that spans the most passive intent depicted to survive, and the least passive to prefer. 

The passive quadrant of the XY plane of intent; an arc demonstrates a span of extremes for passivity

From the self-perspective (i.e. from within our own minds), observers can examine this realm and conclude that survival intent is something that is automatic and innate to human instinct, the nature of which is more passive than deliberately choosing and preferring the manner in which we experience survival.  This can be pondered in the anecdote for a case where our survival is under threat, during which we will generally eat anything that provides vitality (e.g. foraging for weeds or bugs); whereas in the wake of prosperity in abundance, choices can be afforded in accordance with preference (e.g. grilling a juicy stake or ordering a pizza).

Interpretation of Intent

The mental dialog that was just undergone to examine an anecdote through the prism of the HEDM demonstrates the concept behind the interpretation of intent.  It is a mental exercise during which individuals look inward (i.e. envision a hypothetical or actual past experience in the mind) and observe the intent for a general context or a detailed economic anecdote.  In this realm, the only empirical evaluation tool is our own consciousness while playing out an anecdote in each of our own cognitive spaces of imagination.  From there, we can share accounts of that experience with others, where we inevitably become limited by our ability to communicate. Interpretation of intent then becomes a communication prop for stronger discourse and dialog for understanding economics.

Spectrum of intent in quadrant I of the XY plane of intent for negative theta, rendered in radial spectrum view as Cartesian vectors

Interpretation of intent is foundational to the practical application of HEDM. It enables postulation of the effects of any anecdote on the macroeconomic state of wealth upon any given platform by examining its effects on aggregate force trajectory around the construct, both before and after the transmission of energy in any anecdotal transaction.  To support this mental exercise on paper/screen, words and figures appear in a Cartesian diagram as the guide posts used to derive a trajectory of intent as we cognitively observe and analyze an anecdote.  If we distribute a rendering of vectors evenly across any quadrantile spectrum, they radiate from the center like the spokes of a wheel.  To understand the spectrum across each quadrant, we apply labels to describe the nature and context of economic intent, as shown in the figure to the right.

Plane of intent depicting physical energy associated with the human body in the physical world, and metaphysical energy in the mind

HEDM was founded, in part, for the purposes of simulating and understanding all aspects of economics as energy.  If all intent could be decomposed down to energy that behaved like that of the electromagnetic spectrum (e.g. visible light, infrared light), and if it were possible to literally view each plane of intent through a spectroscope, the observer would perceive a radial cascade of intent rendered in shades of blue and orange across each spectrum, similar to the figure to the right.  Traversing a clockwise circle around the plane, the color shades (similar to those we would see in a rainbow) would begin at top center with soft blue, becoming intense blue approaching bottom center (depicting the intensity of water’s portrayal of metaphysical energy), then soft orange after bottom center followed by intense orange approaching the top again (depicting the intensity of fire’s portrayal of physical energy).

Spectrum of intent in quadrant I of the XY plane of intent for negative theta, rendered in the kaleidoscope view

If the observer could view each plane through a kaleidoscope, it would render contextually-spaced bubbles (e.g. circular figures appearing in order of magnitude of activity).  Now imagine adding term labels to the kaleidoscope bubbles that corresponded to each radial spectrum of intent vectors.  This rendering is called the kaleidoscope view.  When printed on paper or viewed from a monitor, the kaleidoscope is easier to read because it justifies all labels from left-to-right (as opposed to radially, for which we have to tilt our heads to read in some views) for vectors when any plane of intent is viewed straight-on.  The descriptions and base interpretations for all human intent in the next sections will utilize the kaleidoscope view to interpret each spectrum in all three planes of intent.

Positive and Negative Theta

Intent is interpreted for positive and negative paths of theta around and about the HEDM construct.  To grasp the intended context of this theoretical analogy of duality throughout HEDM, interpret an anecdote for your own recent intent to create something of value.  In the mind, it is difficult to imagine thoughts of creating something with economic value without also imagining the possibility of consuming and experiencing it.  In that sense, the essence of economic ideas by nature is partially dedicated to contemplating actualization, and partially to pondering consumption, with random toggles back and forth across both. 

Now picture theta tracing the idea sphere of a thought, revolving around and about a contemplating individual, following a path like an electron around the nucleus of an atom.  If theta is revolving so rapidly that it renders a spherical holograph, then theta must frequently toggle the direction of its path with respect to the z-axis such that some of the time, it revolves in a negative direction, and some of the time it revolves in a positive direction.  The toggling of theta’s direction with respect to the z-axis is analogous to the random nature of the toggling of economic thoughts that span the essence between creating and consuming. 

Three-dimensional portrayal of the perspectives from which one can behold to interpret both sides of a plane of intent

To visualize and interpret the positive and negative varieties of intent using the HEDM as a visual aid, keep in mind that the construct is three-dimensional, and can be viewed from both sides.  Viewed from one side, intent renderings and terms for positive energy are visible, and the other side features the negative renderings.  Also keep in mind that no matter which side is being viewed, the direction of economic experience (time) on the x-axis remains the same.

XY Plane – Base Interpretation

The XY Plane of Intent from negative theta perspective

The XY plane of intent squares the intrinsic past and future experience of the individual with the extrinsic physical energy of economic prosperity that shapes form.  This plane spans the individual actor’s intent to obtain and consume economic entities along the negative theta path, and the intent to create and produce them along the positive path.  When viewing this plane from the surface perspective of theta’s negative path around the origin, positive x-values of coordinates and vectors are associated, with future experience portrayed as spanning leftward.  When viewing from the opposite surface perspective of theta’s positive path, the future spans rightward along the x-axis.

The XY Plane of Intent from positive theta perspective

To interpret all intent across the XY and XZ planes, we will explore a general (base) context of the intent that renders across the quadrantile spectrums that span passive, reactive, active and aggressive intent.  Base interpretations focus on the pure nature of intent, and include no anecdote or particular economic essence.  Each arc appearing in the XY Plane cascades to reveal distinct interpretations for positive and negative paths of theta as it passes through the physical and metaphysical realms.  To explore all eight, the following table summarizes a base interpretation of intent for the arc spans rendered in each quadrant of the XY plane:

Passive (-ϴ)

Survival, growth and experience are predominantly passive.  Desire for a specific essence and learning about new essences to prefer evolve from one’s latest experiences, which span the realms of intent in which the actor exercises free choice.

Imagination leads aspiration passively based on inspirations from past experience.  Declaration begins to move away from passivity.  Divining a vision and designing a plan to actualize something moves progressively further from passivity.

Perceiving an opportunity to have an experience in the future compels an individual to acquire and secure it.  When the future draws closer, the entity that provides that experience can be summoned and withdrawn from an individual’s encumbrances, which begins the entity’s decent toward realization.

After means have been divined, their possibilities can be exposed to actors for speculation and investment.  Claims on means can be accumulated, saved, and to the extent that means are hoarded in excess of an organic objective (e.g. overeating), they cause atrophy to the means and claimant.

During the moments just after summoning and just prior to consumption, economic entities require preparation (e.g. plucking fruit from the tree, preparing or heating food up, activating a piece of electronics or turning it on, setting it up, getting it ready/positioned).

As an expert technician acting in accordance with the intelligent design of means (i.e. at work in the plant), he or she builds, assembles and finishes things.  Leaders in this area typically champion, master, refine and innovate the process of reproduction.

During utilization, economic entities are often powered by earthly forms of energy upon their launch-and-ride (e.g. rockets, cars, power tools).  During consumption, concentrated energy helps break down economic entities (e.g. food during digestion).  All physical entities descend toward destruction and conversion to energy.

When actors attempt to modify the environment to enable the means of mass production or to determine the future, often massive amounts of energy are disbursed to relocate things (e.g. building excavation/ construction) and reform the landscape (damming of rivers, drilling for oil, mining).

XZ Plane – Base Interpretation

The XZ plane of intent squares the essence of experience from the perspective of the individual with that of the perspective of a group.  Actors within a group inevitably share some facets of economic intent, while differentiating widely among others in terms of economic preferences, claims on wealth and a myriad of other personal traits, states and tendencies.  It is the innate nature of every human being to strive for uniqueness and originality, and it is the nature of groups to thrive on shared likeness and belonging.  The XZ plane balances these opposing propensities.

Some traits are shared passively and globally, such as belonging to the human race that lives on planet Earth.  Absent the means to live on another planet, this trait along with a plethora of others are inevitably and passively shared and incorporated throughout humanity.  Other traits are shared as a subjective reaction to the way things are arranged economically and socially across groups.  These inevitably require assimilation and conformity in order to participate and belong, rendering the XZ plane as a spectrum that at the ends converges toward likeness and assimilation, and in the middle toward the propensity to diverge and differentiate the self from the group

At every point along the XZ plane, the value of y is zero, which indicates that interpretation of intent is unconcerned with the prosperity energy that shapes form into wealth.  Instead, the XZ plane is acutely focused on the interactions and dispositional interconnections among people and the balance of power to influence each other’s way of going about satisfying objectives and reciprocating among individual actors, groups and platforms.

The following table will summarize the interpretation of intent for the arc spans rendered in each quadrant of the XZ plane of the HEDM construct:

Belonging and observance angle toward the passive extreme.  The Intent to allow others to be as they are provides deeper insight into a group, which can lead further down a path toward respect, appreciation and interconnection that bonds actors of a group and provides its inner synergy. 

Some individual actors possess an innate propensity to share.  There is an inner entrepreneurial drive to proliferate what can be actualized because it is beneficial.  That same drive that proliferates also diverges from the group to differentiate and perfect the essence of experiences for acute individual preferences.

An economically productive group offers opportunities to attract and acquire wealth.  Claim signals to the group that an individual intends to secure wealth.  As groups grow, assimilation and conformity are increasingly necessary in order to assume benefits of belonging.

Economic exchanges initiate with allurement and presentation.  They conclude with a submission of claimClaim exposure intended for the allurement of exchange inevitably potentiates exploitation.  Withstanding and resistance escalates reactions toward defense along the path to impasses.

Economic exchanges are preceded by an accumulation of acclaim since wealth not yet possessed or experienced merely represents apparent satisfaction.  Completion of an exchange involves revealing intent with an offer, and making good on it via delivery and a final release of claim

Trust is extended to a group preceding an exchange.  Regular repeated exchanges build a sense of networking and belonging to a group.  To the extent a tenant advances in and around the group, they portend toward co-creating, innovating and leading within the group.

Power, which grows with the size of groups, is tempting.  The power to entitle and bestow can oppress assimilation and conformity upon actors.  Lavishing and habituating actors to assume their wealth rather than claim it leads to spoiled dispositions of over-indulgence and wasted wealth.

Leading a group based on adjudication rather than organic experiential objectives portends toward coercion, manipulation and a tendency to mislead and misdirect actors.  Maintaining power can escalate to constraining, exploiting and total domination of actors.

YZ Plane – Base Interpretation

The YZ plane of intent squares the collective experience of groups and platforms with the prosperity energy that shapes form into wealth.  This plane converges upon several anomalies, the first of which is that individual intent is not considered on this plane, which is the reason for the plane’s center being represented by a database icon().  The next is that for all points that lie on this plane, the value of x is zero, which represents that this plane depicts the present.  Finally, vectors along this plane represent the antithesis of individual intent, which is concerned with a progression toward an individual act in the future.  Instead, it represents the resulting aggregate intent of all actors, by rendering the trajectory of the sum of all intent vectors, potentiated by all actors in scope.  This renders a state and trajectory of aggregate wealth in the present.

The YZ plane is the pallet for rendering the output of Trajectory Theory, which is a macroeconomic realm of derivative study within HEDM. It is used to interpret the effects of intent on aggregate wealth for any group or platform in scope.  Aggregate intent can be interpreted from two perspectives:  by looking from the future back into the past; and by looking from the past into the future (i.e. the view from one side of the YZ plane or the other). 

Unlike the XY and XZ planes, the interpretation of intent for each quadrant of the YZ plane is contextualized in accordance with the octants of wealth (defined in the chapter that follows), rather than extremes that span passive and aggressive intent.  This is because the aggregate sum that comprises all vectors of human intent results in a state of wealth.  In accordance with this, the interpretation table’s arc-image captions for the YZ plane below render a label that describes a type of wealth rather than a degree of extremity of intent

The arc-image captions will also denote the theta sign that causes each respective wealth type to increase in volume (i.e. a caption containing +ϴ denotes that positive rotation of theta makes the respective type of wealth grow).  Some wealth types also reflect that balance, rather than scalar magnitude, result in their respective growth (denoted by the appearance both signs in a caption: +/-ϴ).  One caption also reflects that only an absence of explicit human intent (denoted by ∞) results in wealth growth, which is the arc-image for the environment.

The following table will summarize the interpretation of aggregate intent for the arc spans rendered in each quadrant of the YZ plane of the HEDM construct:

Building the means to produce bloom requires a balance between energy transmitted for the organized operation of advertising, negotiation and delivery; and that of leadership and co-creation of a way of producing.  When the balance is struck, wealth in the form of utility and capacity emerge.

The realization of life’s possibilities thrives beyond survival as one’s diversity of experience evolves.  Continued learning results in the wealth of enlightenment, which is an actor’s unique stack rank of preferred life experiences, which is ever-evolving within one’s core.

As an actor continuously engages in performing the art of economic service, wealth in the form of capability and chops develops.  As performance of a similar essence is repeated, wealth of productivity emerges as an actor learns and increases efficiency.

The safety of an actor’s claims requires a balance between satisfaction of one’s objectives and emitting energy to protect them.  This is also connected to the reality that the general welfare of other nearby actors has an effect on the safety of one’s own life and claims.

Growth in the wealth of bloom requires a balance between the positive energy of service to avail economic entities and offerings, as well as the negative energy of desire and preference to cause resonance of bloom’s essence and qualities that make it satisfy and fulfill economic objectives.

The future reward of opulence requires a balance with the risk associated with any present investment opportunity.  The level of maturity of productive means is correlated with lower risk, but also with less opportunity as possibilities unfold along the path to satisfaction and fulfillment.

Freedom and possibility are afforded to every human actor at birth, upon entry into the earthly environment.  It provides everything that humanity needs, naturally.  Any intent to change Earth by damming its rivers, tunneling or modifying the land requires time to adjust, heal and re-balance energy (if possible).

As perspective of the world is beheld by the individual actor, various essences cause resonance within one’s own core.  As these experiences manifest dispositions, they propel ideas toward actualization and manifest as the wealth of vision and inspiration.

Author: Michael David
© 2021, Humanity Economics Institute, LLC

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