Humanity Economics Institute Proudly Recommends:
Volume two of the BORN RICH LEARN POOR trilogy:
The Social Virus
Join author and Humanity Economics co-founder Ming Way on an animal family’s battle against a deadly social virus on Planet F!
Exploring value through the prism of energy
Join author and Humanity Economics co-founder Ming Way on an animal family’s battle against a deadly social virus on Planet F!
Volume two of the BORN RICH LEARN POOR trilogy:
The Social Virus
Join author and Humanity Economics co-founder Ming Way on an animal family’s battle against a deadly social virus on Planet F!
Volume two of the BORN RICH LEARN POOR trilogy:
The Social Virus
Join author and Humanity Economics co-founder Ming Way on an animal family’s battle against a deadly social virus on Planet F!
Kindle and Paperback available on June 17!
Pre-order your eBook today!
Ming Way is the co-founder of the Humanity Economic Institute, a philosophy-of-life author, spiritual mentor and is showcased in the Humanity Economics Gallery, featuring works of art that share philosophical roots with those of the Humanity Economics Model. For more on Ming Way, visit her website at
Welcome to the anchor post on a discussion about the spectrum that spans a goal and an objective.
If you Google the word goal and the word objective for definitions, the result renders these two words as synonyms for the most part. However, within the Humanity Economics Model and throughout our institute’s Derivative Study Platform, we carefully define our use of these two words to span a conceptual disposition.
In this series of blogs, we will explore the ends of the spectrum across this disposition in terms of the energy fundamentals in Humanity Economics.
These fundamentals reveal that the direction of energy with respect to objectives is the opposite with respect goals. In the case of objectives, energy flows toward the core, where the essence of any economic experience lies. With goals, energy flows away from the core essence and toward the surrounding context of any economic experience.
With these fundamentals, we can build a clear understanding of the human energy involved in carrying out economic intent. From there we can begin to apply the concepts of Humanity Economics to practical situations, such as life or business, where we are seemingly fascinated with the creation and execution of goals and objectives. We hope that this blog series provides a new perspective on these prominent concepts in an effort to maintain consistent balance in these realms throughout human life – enjoy.
Book One of the Born Rich, Learn Poor trilogy:
Love Attracts, Fear Repels
Join author and Humanity Economics co-founder Ming Way on an animal family’s self-discovery journey through the fundamental forces of Love and Fear!
Kick off Year of the Tiger with a unique blend of laughter, self discovery, quantum physics and Eastern mysticism:
Ming Way is the co-founder of the Humanity Economic Institute, a philosophy-of-life author, spiritual mentor and is showcased in the Humanity Economics Gallery, featuring works of art that share philosophical roots with those of the Humanity Economics Model. For more on Ming Way, visit her website at
This post contains a brief analysis of Humanity Economics Manifesto Clause 1.1:
(1.1) Economics is an organic phenomenon that is unique to humanity, rather than an exact science that can be applied to all life on Earth or to every object in the universe;
Science has empirically analyzed and defined most if not all parameters of survival. This includes things like the amount of time mammals can survive without oxygen, food and sunlight, etc. I would classify all of this into a realm I would call: the economic parameters of scarcity.
These parameters progressively lose their predictive precision when we ascend above survival in humanity’s hierarchy of needs.
When human economic actors experience a period of time during which their consciousness is not required to worry about survival, they become endowed with the potential to thrive. If and when a human actor aspires to thrive, an energy phenomenon begins that is in fact unique to humans with respect to other organisms. It is the point at which we stop asking, do we have enough, and we start asking: can we do better?
When the scope of what we call economics is extended to this realm, the parameters for explaining the energy that propels us become far more complex, and with that, far less scientifically empirical. This is because the definition of what it is to thriving is not as universal as our discourse assumes. To thrive is to live better, and so we cannot necessarily assume that what is better to one individual actor to be generally accepted by every other.
What Humanity Economics refers to as the wealth of way is continuously expanding with human progress, and its opulence can be shared freely across humanity. As it permeates a platform, organic adoption of new ways generally occurs on the scale of the individual and the small group rather than the entire platform. Each actor and small group experiences this opulence differently, which brings the concept of a universal economic science into question in Clause 1.1.
In Clause 1.1 of the Humanity Economics Manifesto, I am questioning science’s respect for the organic process of what goes on intrinsically and metaphysically within the individual actor during creative and innovative processes. Today’s discourse is obsessed with measuring the wealth outcome by assigning a monetary value to it, rather than exploring the source of the wealth and the organic process that inspired its creation.
Song 4 of the Manifesto album, entitled A Better Way, is dedicated to exploring this within dreamers, artists and entrepreneurs. Please enjoy!
Michael David is the founder of the Humanity Economic Institute, a singer/songwriter, recording artist and is the author of the Humanity Economics Model. He writes expository pieces that reflect on the economic inspiration rendered through the prism of art.
Welcome to the anchor post on the Humanity Economics Manifesto series.
In this post series, we will undergo a brief analysis into each clause of the manifesto. We will first explain, expand upon and/or illustrate the abstract portrayals of wealth as energy.
Next, we will state the practical meaning to society and how the clause differentiates Humanity Economics from traditional economic platforms.
Finally, wherever applicable, we will reference any works of art that pertain to the discourse around any clause.
I want to reflect upon experience I gained during my first entrepreneurial startup endeavor – my first band. It explores the balance that is required for most any endeavor if we hope to enjoy the fruits of the outcome as opulence. The balance I am referring to is for prioritizing the entrepreneurship of getting big against the artisanship of being great.
My story begins with a debate between me, the drummer, and our lead singer, Donny. We argued over the set list we were developing for our live shows, along with the arrangement of the songs we were composing at the time. Donny proudly exuded the mindset of the dedicated artisan, pure to his core in terms of rendering originality from our artistic essence. On the other hand, I had the mindset of the proliferative entrepreneur, focused on doing whatever it took to expand the band’s popularity. At that time, this entailed investing energy into practice time on cover songs by bands that were popular at that time (such as Pearl Jam and Van Halen), and incorporating elements similar to other prominent artists into our song arrangements. As you can imagine, this clashed with Donny’s artistic vision for the band, which pushed to invest more energy into our original sound.
Prior to the release of the Macintosh computer in the 1980’s, we could only enjoy one typeface on a computer screen. It was Steve Jobs arguing as an artisan to invest big energy into developing the typeface features that were invented during that time, seen by some colleagues as pretty fonts that were not being demanded by a huge user population. Like in my little band endeavor, this led to debates about vision, which in Apple’s case sometimes led to people getting fired. Ironically, this very decision to invest in the typefaces contributed to the eventual firing of Steve Jobs himself because it resulted in significant economic challenges around Apple’s short-term profitability outcome for the Mac. It would seem in this case that putting the artisanship of building something great ahead of the entrepreneurship of building a big company was a huge mistake, in the short run at least.
While neither Donny nor I got fired from the band over our debate, I ended up learning a valuable lesson from my lead singer – it is that in both art and business, you need a balance of entrepreneurship and artisanship to be successful. Together, we found our balance between the two, and had a successful band into our college years. If the artist in all of us could have their way in every endeavor, I believe that our natural disposition as artists is to pour all of our energy into our new creations right out of the gate without wasting one iota of energy on ways of old. Balance becomes critical, though, because it takes time for people to integrate new ways into their thinking, whether introducing music, technology or any other new offering. Bands who want to play for a living start out playing cover songs because they need people to show up in the first place – it is hard to get people to come and listen to original music from artists they have never heard of. In the beginning, we need to survive before we thrive, whether we are a small rock band or a big computer firm.
Apple’s economic challenges from cost overruns and profit woes with the early Mac offering are case and point to how an early over-investment in artisanship can put economic strain on an endeavor. At the same time, a lack of focus on artisanship around an offering in the long run can lead to the failure of an entire endeavor (leading to Apple hiring Steve Jobs back to make them great again, after they almost went bankrupt from lack of innovation). Getting big is about providing people with something they want. Being great is about showing people something they never knew they wanted. The degree to which we change the economic world blends a balance of both.
I also got a good song from this life lesson, dedicated to Donny, my lead singer. Differentiation from the album Manifesto is about our debate, and his ambassadorship to the depths of artisanship for me early in life – thanks Donny.
Michael David is the founder of the Humanity Economic Institute, a singer/songwriter, recording artist and is the author of the Humanity Economics Model. He writes expository pieces that reflect on the economic inspiration rendered through the prism of art.
Welcome to the anchor post that begins a blog series on rendering the human energy in economics through the prism of art. A fundamental purpose of the Humanity Economics Institute is to discover and appreciate human energy in economics from the impressions portrayed by artists from our platform.
Why art, aesthetics and economics, and why now?… you might ask. Because we need depth of thought more than ever in the age of the soundbite in the echo chamber. Our current economic discourse is just that–shallow sound bites that lack a deeper appreciation for the fundamentals. When we return to human roots, we spawn a deeper understanding of why economics exists and what prosperity really is.
Art offers us a different perspective for experiencing economics in a metaphysical realm. This realm is detached from our own economic motives, dispositions and foreknowledge. Without these distractions, we can behold the essence of economics, which can be found within you, and within me.
Each post in this series will examine topics from the modern economic discourse through the prism of a piece of art and/or from the perspective of the artist. In some cases, we include first-hand accounts of the artists’ points of view during their inspired moments. We will also examine the art and how it relates to metaphysics and philosophy found in the Humanity Economics Model. We hope you enjoy this series.
Michael David is the founder of the Humanity Economic Institute, a singer/songwriter, recording artist and is the author of the Humanity Economics Model. He writes expository pieces that reflect on the economic inspiration rendered through the prism of art.
Dedicated to the Humanity Economics Manifesto, and based on its theoretical philosophy…
Enjoy music made to inspire the artist-entrepreneur in everyone.
What’s your dream? Are you living it? Kick off 2021 with the inspiration to go get it! Michael David and the Humanity Economics Institute wish you a happy, safe and prosperous New Year!